How to book

Katy Webster

Your contact for this event is Katy Webster.

All the information you need is on this page, but Katy is also on hand to answer any queries you might have. You can find her contact details at the bottom of this page.

Save your FREE spot on Crowdcast

Click the button below which will take you to our Crowdcast page. Once you're there, simply follow the instructions to 'Save Your Spot' for the event. You will need to use the same email address to access the live broadcast on the day of the show.

PLEASE NOTE Each teacher or device accessing the event must register individually. For example, if three teachers in the same school would like to watch the performance, they will each need to register with their own email address and use the link they are sent to access the event.

Register FREE for MICHAEL ROSEN's LIVE Digital Request Show

Ask Michael a Question or Request a Poem

We are collecting poem requests and questions for Michael in advance of the performance. Click below to fill in the form.

Your Questions & Requests

For more detailed help see our FAQs below.


Do I need to pay to attend this performance?

No. The Children's Bookshow is pleased to offer this event free of charge.

Will I be able to comment during the event?

Yes, teachers can comment in the chat function on Crowdcast. We love to hear from our audience.

Will I be able to ask a question during the event?

Yes - you enter your questions in the 'Ask A Question' box. But we're also taking questions and poem requests for Michael Rosen in advance of the show. The best or most popular requests and questions will be chosen and will be included in the event! Click on the button above to fill in a short form.

What is Crowdcast?

Crowdcast is the digital platform that the Children's Bookshow uses for digital events. It is simple to use and interactive. You will be able to access the chat, as well as ask a question before and during the live show.

Can I share my Crowdcast link?

No. Each person that wishes to access the event will need to register separately. For example, if three teachers in the same school would like to watch the performance, they will each need to register with their own email address and use the link they are sent to access the event.

Can I use my Crowdcast link on several different devices?

No, but you will be able to broadcast from your class laptop to the whiteboard. Or you could get all the children into the hall and broadcast from the whiteboard there.

Is there anything I should know?

Crowdcast is very straightforward to use - there is nothing to download but you will need to create an account, and use Chrome internet browser. Crowdcast does not work on Safari or Internet Explorer.

It is vitally important that you get your free ticket on Crowdcast at least 48 hours before the event is due to start. There is not enough time for us to help you with any problems you might come across if you wait to register on the day of the event.

This is a very useful checklist to help you with technical issues.

Will I be able to watch a recording of the event after it has finished?

Yes. The recording will be available on Crowdcast for you to watch again.

Can I watch this event on YouTube?

Yes. We will be streaming this event to YouTube simultaneously. If you watch on YouTube, you will not be able to ask questions or comment in the chat. To get the YouTube link please email us on

On the day of the event

  • Click on the Crowdcast link at least 10 minutes before the event starts.
  • You might need to enter your email and password.
  • Say hello in the chat box.
  • Wait for the event to start, sit back and enjoy.
  • Please write any questions you have in the 'Ask A Question' box - we'd love to hear from you.
  • If you are having any trouble logging in on Crowdcast, please email us on

Please get in touch with Katy if you have any questions.

07904 068084

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