June 5th, 2020
Letters from Lockdown
The current crisis has forced us to postpone our programme of theatre performances and in-school workshops. Thousands of children who would normally make up our audiences across the country will be missing out on having the chance to be inspired by seeing an author, illustrator or poet in action.
One of the ways we thought we could help to fill this gap is to introduce the children to our authors and illustrators through a handwritten or illustrated letter. So we have invited all our artists to write a short letter to be shared with your classes online or via social media, to inspire them to write their own lockdown letters. Perhaps they could write to a much missed friend, relative or an isolated neighbour, which they can then post or deliver by hand.
Through this initiative, we hope to further the children’s experience of writing for meaning and expression, encourage a love of words and images and capture a moment in history.
See below for our collection of 20 letters.
We are now running a competition to find the best children's letter from Lockdown with great prizes for the winner and two runners up, so get your children writing! You can email us your entries.
Letter 20 from Quentin Blake

Letter 19 from Patrick Benson

Letter 18 from Valerie Bloom

Letter 17 from Catharina Valckx

Letter 16 from Posy Simmonds

Letter 15 from Benji Davies

Letter 14 from Catherine Rayner

Letter 13 from Neal Layton

Letter 12 from David Litchfield

David started drawing when he was very young, creating comics for his older brother and sister. Since then David’s work has appeared in magazines, newspapers, books and on T-shirts, and he has also exhibited his illustrations around the world. We are big fans of his first beautiful picture book, The Bear & The Piano. David wrote to us from his home in Bedford, England.

Letter 11 from Axel Scheffler

Illustrator Axel Scheffler grew up in Hamburg, Germany, and has always loved to draw. In the early 1980s, he moved to the UK to study visual communication, and he has lived there ever since. He is most well known for illustrating international bestseller, The Gruffalo, written by Julia Donaldson, but has illustrated countless colourful, well-loved children’s books. Axel wrote to us through a veil of very long hair from his home in London.

Letter 10 from Jo Empson

Author and illustrator Jo Empson graduated from Cambridge School of Art with an MA in Children’s Book Illustration, and she loves creating children’s books. Her drawings are inspired by nature, with a strong sense of shape, colour and design. All her books are beautiful and fun but we especially like her most recent, Jungle Jamboree. Jo wrote to us from her home in Wiltshire, England.

Letter 9 from Jon Agee

Author and illustrator, Jon Agee grew up in New York state, and as a child he always had an art project on the go - he loved making picture books, comics, and flip-books. He is fascinated by language and has published many wordplay books, as well as over 30 picture books. One of our absolute favourites is The Wall in the Middle of the Book. He wrote to us from his home in San Francisco, USA.

Letter 8 from Roger McGough

Roger McGough was born in Liverpool in 1937, and is an award-winning poet, performance poet, playwright, author and radio broadcaster. He has published over 50 books of poetry and plays. We love his most recent release, Money-Go-Round, a delightful picture book illustrated by Mini Grey. Roger wrote to us from his home in London.

Letter 7 from Alexis Deacon

Alexis is passionate about stories, and he has always loved to draw - he has been keeping sketchbooks since he was a small child. Alexis studied illustration at the University of Brighton and started creating picture books while he was there. We love Beegu, a story about a lonely baby alien trying to find its mother on Earth. Beegu wrote to us from her home in outer space, via Hastings, which is where her friend Alexis lives.

Hello! It's me, Beegu!
Letter 6 from Jessica Souhami

Jessica was a puppeteer before she became a writer and illustrator. She made shadow puppets and travelled around the country bringing to life traditional stories that people have been telling for years by word of mouth. Now she tells these compelling stories by creating beautiful picture books filled with colourful collage. We love the hilarious Gerald the Lion! Jessica wrote to us from her home in London.

Letter 5 from Daniel Morden

Daniel Morden is a master storyteller. He has travelled all over the world collecting stories and captivating audiences in theatres, schools and festivals. He really enjoys retelling stories from the Ancient Greeks, as well as traditional Welsh folktales and we love his award-winning collection Dark Tales from the Woods. Daniel wrote to us from his home in Abergavenny, Wales.

Letter 4 from Satoshi Kitamura

Satoshi Kitamura was born in Japan, and as a child enjoyed reading comics and illustrated novels. After starting his career in advertising, he moved to London and started to write and illustrate his own picture books. His work is beautifully detailed and full of colour and interesting characters. We love the wonderfully imaginative Millie’s Marvellous Hat. Satoshi wrote to us from his home in Kobe, Japan.

Satoshi sent us his letter in this beautifully painted envelope.

Letter 3 from Rachel Rooney

Letter 2 from Viviane Schwarz

Viviane was born in Germany, but moved to the UK in her twenties. As a child she spent a lot of time inventing and making things with her family, and now her job is to make books, comics and games. We love especially Viv’s books How to Find Gold, and A Place to Call Home. Viv wrote to us from her home in London.

Letter 1 from Hilary McKay

## Gallery of Children's Letters Thanks for sending in the letters you've been writing, we love seeing them. Here is a random selection of the letters we have received so far.